Homology & Analogy
Jacklyn van der Colff Anthropology 101 Homology and Analogy Homology: Homologous traits can be found in species that look nothing alike, sound nothing alike, and seem to have no close relation; however, many species that seem to be day and night have a common ancestor. An example of homology can be seen in these two species: Panthera uncia : Better known as the endangered Snow leopard, this species of cat is found in central and south Asia. They live in cooler climates and are usually found at higher elevations. Snow leopards are members of the Panthera lineage, which is a branch of the Felidae. They are genetically similar to many other big cats, such as tigers, lions, and jaguars. Common dolphin : The Common Dolphin technically includes two types: the short-beaked and the long-beaked, but for this example, we are focused on the flipper of the dolphin. They are found in the ocean and are from the Delphinidae family. These two seemingly diff...