
Human Variation

Human Variation 1. Homeostasis is a condition of stability within a biological system- so basically what you are experiencing reading this in your air-conditioned house and food in the pantry. However, the human lifestyle was not always this comfortable (and still is not for many people in developing countries) and because of this, we see a great amount of variation in our species. Extreme temperatures disrupt our homeostasis and can prove lethal. But, through adaptation and acclimation, our earliest ancestors have managed to survive without modern day technology, and our younger ancestors to modern day humans also rely on technological (cultural) advances. One environmental stress that I am going to focus in on is the Cold. The can kill even the strongest of people, and often in extreme conditions will lead to hypothermia- where the body’s temperature drops too low due to failure of the hypothalamus.  Cold weather can also lead to heart problems later on, due to the increas...

The Language Experiment

The Language Experiment .................................................................................................................................................................. Part 1: Communicating with only hand signs, body language, and nonverbal vocalizations The first part of the experiment was tougher than I thought it would be; it was difficult to not chime in with comments or respond to questions. I instructed my partner to talk normally for the experiment so the way of communication did not change, but the conversation topics died quickly and were not effective in communicating since I could not respond. My partner said the fifteen felt very long and ineffective since she just had a conversation with herself. Although I tried to respond with hand movements, it was difficult to convey what I actually meant. The only successful hand motions were walking and talking; so overall not a very productive conversation. My partner was in control of the convers...

The Piltdown Hoax

The Piltdown Hoax The Piltdown hoax remains one of the most infamous cases of scientific dishonesty ever seen. This hoax began in 1912 when Charles Dawson was given a supposed ancestor of modern human beings in Sussex, England. Dawson took his discoveries to Arthur Smith Woodward; and together, they thrust their findings into the scientific community's spot-light. This finding was very important because it was claimed to be the early-humanoid that everyone had been searching for. This was also a huge discovery for England- as no early-englishmen had been discovered before and the people took pride in the idea that their country was the home to one of the first early-humans. However, who ever planned this hoax took many steps to cover-up that the jaw bone was not human, by strategically snapping it off right where it would connect to the skull. There was one missing piece though, the canine tooth; with a new recruit on the team named Teilhard de Chardin, the trio discovered a can...

Homology & Analogy

Jacklyn van der Colff Anthropology 101 Homology and Analogy Homology: Homologous traits can be found in species that look nothing alike, sound nothing alike, and seem to have no close relation; however, many species that seem to be day and night have a common ancestor.  An example of homology can be seen in these two species: Panthera uncia : Better known as the endangered Snow leopard, this species of cat is found in central and south Asia. They live in cooler climates and are usually found at higher elevations. Snow leopards are members of the Panthera lineage, which is a branch of the Felidae. They are genetically similar to many other big cats, such as tigers, lions, and jaguars.   Common dolphin : The Common Dolphin technically includes two types: the short-beaked and the long-beaked, but for this example, we are focused on the flipper of the dolphin. They are found in the ocean and are from the Delphinidae family. These two seemingly diff...

Jean-Baptiste Lamarck and His Influences on Charles Darwin

Jean-Baptiste Lamarck and His Influences on Charles Darwin February 04, 2019 work cited provided at end 1. There were many scientists who influenced Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution through natural selection; such as Thomas Malthus, who theorized the concept of constant competition, Charles Lyell, who came up with geological uniformitarianism, George Cuvier, who believed in catastrophism, and Alfred Russel Wallace, who ended up at the same conclusion as Charles Darwin. But one of these scientists, who had the  greatest effect on Charles Darwin, was Jean-Baptiste Lamarck .   2.  Lamarck's Contributions to the Scientific Community His ideas revolved around the concept that the external environment changed, as a direct result, the animals and inhabitants of that area would change their activity pattern to accommodate these new conditions. Jean-Baptiste believed that there was a "use it or lose it" rule in nature, if an organism ...

Stranded in the Desert: 2 Essentials

What Would I Take If I Was Stranded in a Desert? February 02, 2019                  Although the occurrence of being stuck in a desert is not one that I wish to seek out, the question of what items I would personally bring has been asked:              Item one: A sleeping bag      Rationale - It may seem boring, but deserts tend to drop to extremely cold temperatures at night. Also, it may protect someone from insects and reptiles, such as snakes. A good night's sleep is vital to being alert and staying awake for the struggles that lie ahead.                        Item two: Peanut Butter      Rationale- Besides from being a delicious gift to humanity, peanut butter is great for survival. It is loaded with protein, vitamins (copper and iron), and fatty acids. If I could choose...